"See Something, Send Something": Digital Reporting App now Available in Georgia
View of the See something, send something applications
“See Something, Send Something” provides a platform to capture a photo of suspicious activity or send in information with written text. Information received in the app is sent directly to the Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center (GISAC) where the tips can be evaluated and provided to law enforcement across the state as needed. The application is available at no cost for iPhone and Android phone users, as well as iPad users. To download “See Something, Send Something,” click below.
Click here for more information
The service, provided by My Mobile Witness, Inc., uses privacy protection software to safeguard users’ personal information and the integrity of tips. The system allows citizens to engage with GISAC without tracking locations or storing any personal information. Submitted tips are immediately removed from the mobile device and purged from the My Mobile Witness system following delivery to GISAC.
NOTE: This system is NOT intended for emergency situations. For situations requiring an immediate response, call 911 or your local law enforcement directly.